My year in numbers

It's around this time of year that many newspapers start doing their  'fascinating' articles about Britain's year in numbers. Long lists of statistics about anything and everything... How much more rain we've had in 2012 compared to last year; how many more visitors London has had; how much fatter we are, but ironically, how much more we've exercised; we haven't pre-ordered as many turkeys this year but we have donated more to charity; we are better educated in 2012 yet our average salary is not as good as last year. The lists are endless, but it got me thinking about my own statistics. 

How does my year break down into numbers? I'm not talking about how much I've spent on food or how many hours I've wasted traveling on public transport... just trying to work that out would put me into a coma. I wanted to work out how I spend my time and how social, or not, my life has been in 2012. So armed with my diary, I worked out the following. 

I watched 17 films at the cinema. 
10 of those were subtitled and come under the category of wrist-slitters, according to my friend Mark. The 'film noirs' that send you into floods of tears or an instant depression. Most of them I went to with my friend Lisa, some with other friends, and a few I went to on my own. 

I went to 3 music gigs and 1 opera.

I was invited to 6 Private views at the Tate Gallery (all thanks to the brilliant gift of membership from my family, which takes queue jumping to a whole new level) and I saw 12 other art exhibitions.

I cried once, at two different ballets.

I spent silly amounts of money going to the theatre. 17 times this year, but worth every penny. Mark Rylance in Jersualem and Cate Blanchett in Gross und Klein were my highlights... achingly good performances. For the first time ever, I stood in the rain with my friend at the Stage door, desperate to get a glimpse of the genius that is Mark Rylance. After 15 minutes and soaking wet, we gave up and headed for the pub over the road. It was there that we realised we could see into his dressing room and watch him take his make-up off and get dressed... slightly creepy 'peeping Tom' but brilliant.

I met friends for dinner and/or drinks 48 times... usually in Central London.

I happily attended 18 parties... some merrily drunk with adults, others hyperactive on sugar with children. 

I spent 13 weekends away, staying with friends.

I went down to Hampshire to visit my parents 14 times. Gold star!

I had 3 holidays this year, one was a 3-week holiday in America visiting family and friends, the other two amazing weeks were in the Lake District.

So, there is my life in a nutshell. When I wonder where my money goes... I can now confirm that it is not spent on clothes and expensive furniture but on experiences and memories. Seeing lots of stuff and spending time with family and friends. Money very well spent.


Anonymous said…
Life sounds great, wanna trade?
:) xxx