What I Saw
A few months ago I noticed a rather frail, old, ginger moggie lying on the pavement, not far from my flat. He seemed quite content but I was worried someone might just step on him. Over the next few days I saw him lying under bushes, then behind car wheels and even in the road and I thought.. Oh God, this cat is going to totally get squooshed or something. The next morning I saw a man stroking the cat and started talking to him. He said the cat did lie in odd places but he was quite spry and would move out of the way if there was danger. He said the owner was aware of his habits and not to worry. I obviously wasn't alone in being concerned because a couple of weeks ago I saw a notice stuck on the trees around my neighbourhood.
It said:
The old ginger cat that lies on the pavement is called Wolfie.
He is 22 years old. He is frail but healthy.
He is very well taken care of and is very happy.
Thank you for all your concern but please don't worry about him.
Then this morning I broke down on my way to the tube because I saw a new notice.
It said:
Have you seen Wolfie?
Our old ginger cat is 22 years old, frail but otherwise healthy.
He has gone missing and we are very worried and miss him.
Please call xxxxxxxxx if you see him.
Oh nooooo! Wolfie! I can't stop thinking about it and am going to go on a find Wolfie mission on my way home from work.