When is a Cult not a Cult?

What I Read.

So, after I wrote about the Landmark Forum I had so much feedback from people that it got me doing a bit more research. Several people I know told me they did the Forum over 20 years ago in America... and both of them described it as a Cult. So, I wrote back to one friend and asked him what they defined as a Cult? This is what he said:

“It came across to me as an expensive form of therapy without the years of training. Over the years they have altered their approach to make it feel less cultish. But back then, that's what it felt like. It's no different than scientology, just without the ridiculous doctrine”.

Very interesting. But again, from what I saw and experienced the other night, it certainly didn't feel that way. Maybe 20 years ago it was a bit more hardcore. So I then googled “Cult” to try and get a definitive definition. Here's what is seemed to boil down to, in simple layman's terms.

Definition: A cult, by modern standards, is any group that incorporates mind control to deceive, influence and govern its followers. Although most people think of cults as being religious, they can also be found in political, athletic, philosophical, racial or psychotherapeutic arenas.

So that could mean that any person leading a group... could be defined as a Cult leader. That can't be right. The one thing I kept reading, over and over again, while finding out more about these self help/motivational groups is that whoever is leading the group, they have immense charisma and charm. They seem to have ‘something’ for millions to want to listen to them and do what they say. Without these leaders, you have nothing, after all. And what did I say in my last blog? The woman leading the Forum was charismatic. What did I say about Anthony Robbins? That he oozed charm and confidence. So they have ‘got it’.

Just an aside to my friend, who I went to the Forum with and has done this course... I do not believe that what you have experienced is in ANY way evil or brainwashing. I DO believe you have genuinely got something so positive out of this which has helped you. And that is wonderful. I really enjoyed myself the other night and felt really moved by some of the people's stories. I even said to you, “If I could afford it, I would do it”. I am not writing this to put down any group in particular but it seems there is a very fine line between those groups genuinely helping people and those that mess them up.

In France, they have banned the Landmark Forum. Their reason is simple. They are worried that vulnerable people are putting their trust in a group of people who have no training. The experiences people CAN go through on these courses makes them open up and reveal some, sometimes, quite traumatic events in their lives, and with no psychiatric training from the people trying to help them, it can leave people in a terrible state.

But it seems that everyone is at risk from being taken in by a cult. I found this (below) on a Cult Help website:

Are You A Candidate For A Cult? Take This Test

Goodness me, I answered yes to 6 of them!!! Come get me, cult leaders!! Then I heard from another friend in Paris who told me about this guy he knew. This is what he emailed me:


So, there you have it... I'm not sure what I was planning to write when I first started but it's all very interesting and I found myself getting more and more into it. I am not judging anyone who finds any group helpful or inspirational and it's your life after all. Incidentally, Anthony Robbins is coming to London with his new show... it's only £800 for 3 days if you're interested! Blimey, I might start my own. Any of you like to follow me??

Here is a checklist for you to discover your vulnerability

... I am considered bright in most things
... I am a curious person about the world around me
... I have been a leader among my peers
... I have been a member of a group and consider myself a follower
... I have moments when I doubt myself and my ability to succeed
... I am afraid of the future from time to time
... I am considered idealistic by my family and friends
... I enjoy being liked by those around me and enjoy receiving compliments from them
... I sometimes like taking risks

Did you check 3 or more? Congratulations!! You are a prime candidate for a cult recruiter. If you think you can’t be taken in then you certainly can be!


Anonymous said…
Hi Juliet, I tend to agree with the French on this topic. I'm getting to be an old guy and have had some experience with "self-discovery" type forums in America. I attended one in Atlanta once, called The Experience - a sort of side show from the EST thing. I was mostly unmotivated - a friend had bought me the ticket. We were all locked for three days in a big windowless room and given the most bizarre exercises, little sleep and torturous exercises. Lucky for me, I had a bit of a panic attack and broke my vow to "see it through", thankfully. In hindsight, what I realized was that there was a big effort made there to "help" me to uncover lost memories of abuse. Under such pressure, I began to invent them! Now that cannot be good.

Something that I might add: I believe that in defining a "cult" the word "minority" (as in a minority of people" or "a minority of though") needs to be in the definition. Which is why, despite our tendencies to do so, we cannot call Catholicism a cult. And still it is, to my mind, the BIGGEST cult of them all! The Mother cult, the Father cult!

Cult defining is slippery business. It is the nature of cults to deny that they are exactly what they are. The word "cult" is ordinarily applied by people on the outside of the group. And the draw for needy and vulnerable people is huge. I hope that your experience was healthy and good for you. But touch base with the things that are constant in your life and test your mind set coming away from Landmark Forum against them to see if you are not just a bit dizzied by all of the love and schmooziness of your experience. . . see how cynical I am? I do hope that these sorts of events have come a long way from the 1970s and 80s. Your greatest strengths will come from inside of you - uninfluenced by well-intentioned gurus who really don't know you at all. Jack A.